From United States To Palani, Tamil Nadu - What's New? Read!

Hi Everyone!


I am writing this blog on 31.05.2024. Very hot in Chennai. Almost we had extreme heat this year. Reaching 44 degree. Oh My God! Can’t bear the heat, I would say.


Anyway, providing solutions to our customers makes me cool ever.


Happy to say, we made our first sale of IOT BASED SMART GSM MOBILE MOTOR PUMP CONTROLLER to our customer Ashok from US.



Mr. Ashok had a farm at Palani, Tamil Nadu, India. He wanted to monitor whether his motor pump is in ON condition or OFF condition. In order to irrigate his land properly, he wanted an automation solution. He said that he had surfed the internet for a solution. Almost he had gone through 50+ videos, but he felt not promising. He also came across our website and he called me for his requirement. I received his concerns of irrigating the land. He said he not only wanted to monitor the live status of motor, but also the local people who are handling the motor must also should access through normal call or sms. This was his concern.



At first, I connected my advanced GSM without IOT facility and registered his US number. He accessed the controller and observed the performance through live video call. We explained him the functions and facilities in the advanced GSM unit. Then we explained him about the IOT platform in GSM unit that we were working and researching. He was happy and ready to be our first customer to use the GSM + IOT based smart mobile motor controller. This product video is already available in our youtube channel. Now he is able to monitor the live status of his motor and also accessing from there. Local people who are taking care of the motor are now just calling the device and turning the motor on and turning the motor off. When we showed the demonstration over video once the product was completed, he was completely happy and overwhelmed.

I also demonstrated that our product is working fine without antenna. With fullest confidence he is using our product.



I would like to inform all our customers, that we are ready to serve you with our products. Our GSM products are really promising for sure. We are making a trustful business. You can close your eyes and place orders. For best prices, contact me on what’s app 9940594413.